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Sanggar Rojolele is a youth group in Delanggu Village that actively speaks out on agricultural issues such as farmers' bargaining position. This research aims to analyze the role and efforts of Sanggar Rojolele in strengthening farmers' capacity and improving farmers' bargaining position. The research method used is qualitative with a case study approach. The research location is chosen purposively in Delanggu Village, Delanggu District, Klaten Regency. The informant's determination was purposive and snowball sampling. Data collection techniques were in-depth interviews, participatory observation, and documentation. Data analysis used Miles and Huberman's interactive analysis with triangulation of sources and techniques for data validity. The results showed that Sanggar Rojolele acts as a facilitator, educator, and advocate in improving learning capacity, organizational capacity, and business capacity. Sanggar Rojolele helps by providing information facilities, facilitating counseling and training activities, and assisting farmers in accessing productive resources such as agricultural technology, inputs, agricultural infrastructure, and access to market information. Sanggar Rojolele's efforts in improving bargaining position by becoming a collective marketing platform for farmers that imcreases competitiveness, and ease in reaching the market, streamline marketing activities, and protect farmers from price games.
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Fanata, W. I. D., & Husna, S. F. (2021). Penentuan Sifat Aromatik Beberapa Varietas Padi Lokal Berdasarkan Analisis Fenotip dan DNA Molekuler. Jurnal Ilmu Dasar, 22(2), 111–118.
Fred S, Gabriel E, Robert M. (2020). Collective action for improved market access among smallholder maize farmers in Masindi District, Uganda. African Journal of Marketing Management, 12(2), 11-20.
Husaini, N. K., & Agusta, I. (2018). Peran Kelembagaan Lokal Keujreun Blang dalam Pengembangan Usahatani Padi Sawah di Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Jurnal Pengkajian Dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian, 21(2), 159–175.
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Novita, N., Yonariza, Y., & Wahyuni, S. (2019). Penguatan Kelembagaan Petani terhadap Peningkatan Posisi Tawar Petani Gambir di Nagari Koto Lamo Kecamatan Kapur Ix Kabupaten 50 Kota. JOSETA: Journal of Socio-Economics on Tropical Agriculture, 1(3), 57–66.
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Pratasik, S., Maulida, S., Kumajas, S., & Kainde, Q. C. (2021). Analisis Rantai Pasok Beras di Tebing Tinggi. Edutik : Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi, 1(5), 460–468.
Puspitawati, L., Hertati, L., Gantino, R., & Ilyas, M. (2021). The Influence of Village Community Empowerment Base on The Creativity of Village Community Groups to Increase Standard of Living In Villages in The Covid-19 Era. Instastawit Journal, 2(1), 48–68.
Rahmawati, A. (2015). Suku Laut Pulau Bertam. Yogyakarta: Pandiva Buku.
Rizal, M. R., Sugihardjo, & Permatasari, P. (2022). Motivasi Petani dalam Budidaya Padi Varietas Rojolele Srinuk. Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, 18(1), 1–15.
Rusdiyana, E. (2017). Peran Pasar Lelang dalam Pemasaran Cabai di Kelompok Tani Lahan Pasir Pantai Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta. Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 32(1), 1–9. tani.32.1.14666
Sudarmanto, E., Revida, E., Zaman, N., Simarmata, M. M., Purba, S., Syafrizal, Bachtiar, E., Faried, A. I., Nasrullah, Marzuki, I., Hastuti, P., Jamaludin, Kurniawan, I., Mastutie, F., & Susilawaty, A. (2020). Konsep Dasar Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat: Pembangunan dan Pemberdayaan. Yayasan Kita Menulis.
Sugiyono. (2021). Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D. Bandung: Alfabeta.
Velázquez B, Buffaria B. (2017). About farmers’ bargaining power within the new CAP. Agricultural and Food Economics, 5(1), 1-13.