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This research aims to determine the effect of topping technique and the addition of organic fertilizer on soybean production response in the reproductive phase. The study was conducted in Sei Mencirim Village, Sunggal, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra from October 2022 to January 2023. The research was carried out using a factorial randomized block design 2 factorial with three replications. The first factor consists of three levels: T1 (without topping), T2 (topping), and T3 (topping + organic fertilizer). The second factor consists of three levels as well: V1 (Anjasmoro), V2 (Wilis F1), and V3 (Grobogan). The results showed that the topping technique and the addition of organic fertilizer significantly affected  productive branch quantity, as well as the number of harvested pods and filled pods. The individual treatment of soybean varieties had a significant effect on the observation variable of flowering age and thousand-grain weight. Furthermore, there is a significant interaction between pruning treatment and variety on seed weight per plot and seed weight per ha-1.


Soybean Organic fertilizer Generative phase response Topping technique Superior varieties

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